Thursday, January 21, 2016

Too Much To Do... Too Little Time...

Have you ever felt like you have done so much; but at the end of the day, nothing was done.

That's the kind of day I had today. 

I woke up with a long list of things to do.  Started out great, but one thing led to another, I felt as though I was pulled from all directions.  Went back to bed and even went online just to escape the feelings of being overwhelmed and suffocated.

I've heard from so many successful people saying that they use the To-Do Lists to keep their days organized... Personally, I find it quite distracting...  just because when I am on #1 of the list, my mind has already gone to #2, #3, #4.  Before I realize what's going on, I have already turned into a little frog, jumping back & forth or running in circles until I run out of air... and collapse.

At times, I wonder if I have ADHD...  My doctors said I don't which is assuring... but how can they explain the behaviors I have had lately.

Glad I had a talk with one of my coaches this afternoon.  Got some clarity on how I've been doing wrong and what I must change...  Sound simple right?  Not even close.

So, from this day forward, instead of letting my thoughts and ideas roam freely in my head, I must stop that internal chatterbox and start TAKING MASSIVE ACTION!!!

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