Sunday, January 24, 2016

Why I Do What I DO???

Have you ever...

                        ... been questioned "Why You Do What You Do?"

If I could remember correctly, there have been times that people, myself included, wonder what's the reason behind certain things I do? Is there a motive?

In all honesty, if you know me, you should know:
  • I speak what I think straight from my heart.
  • I don't kiss up to the successful and look down on the less-fortunate.
  • I always try to see the best in people.
  • I give without thinking of getting anything back in return.
Wait, please don't quick to think that I am painting a perfect image of myself... It's far from my intention behind this post.   

Behind this happy-go-lucky, social butterfly, center of parties... there are traits that are carefully hidden from the public eyes.
  • I have the hardest time trusting people.
  • I can say I have many acquaintances, but only a handful whom I consider friends.
  • I am known to take on others' problems as they are mine.
  • I hold my feelings to myself and cover them up with the smiles, the laughs, the jokes, etc.
  • I can say I do forgive those have done me wrong, but "forget" is something I need to work on.
  • I tend to pull away from conflicts to avoid confrontations... and would let things go unresolved.
  • I contradict myself when I ask others to hear two sides of any story before passing judgments; but when they ask for my side of the story, I refuse to talk about it... not that I don't automatically think my information is accurate, but I just don't feel comfortable talking about someone when they are not there in person.
  • Many more...
So, without going on and on with these hidden flaws, I am sure you can see they outnumbered the more-positive ones from above.

I have no idea why this topic came up... but one thing I hope that this will allow others to understand me a little better...  That through my external appearance, I do have a bundle of things to work on... 

Lesson To Take Away:  Life is worth living when we realize how precious it is even when nothing seems to go our ways.

My Life Outlook:  Trusting in GOD and His plans has given me back my life and the reason to live it with the purpose... That is to serve Him and His people. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Peeling Layers of an Onion Metaphor

Have you ever wondered...

                                      ... how deep your layers go and how long will it take to peel them off???

"Peeling Layers of an Onion" is a metaphor that's often use when dealing and healing with life issues.  For the last couple of years, I was forced to be in positions where there was no way out.  Perhaps, I had hit rock bottom, and the only way up was to start digging deep inside and find who I really am. As I started to go inwardly, I realized that it's not anything I thought it would be. 

In order for me to go deeper, there're layers and layers of old habits, disappointments, fears, failures, rejections, betrayal, and many more. Things that I carefully avoided found their ways back.  People whom I vowed not to allow to get the best of me returned with the same intention.  Mistakes I made that had redirected my life journey came back to haunt me.
  1. Do I actually have that many layers? 
  2. Why is it so difficult to look at my issues face-to-face? 
  3. How come I can't even recognize myself?
  4. Can people really see me as who I am?
  5. Am I doing a good job at keeping these layers under the cover?
  6. What would people think if I let them in and see me from the inside out?
Countless questions run through my head as I am searching for an easier way to this layer peeling which is nearly impossible.  As we all know, in order to get to the inner layers, we must first peel the outer layers until we get to the layer we want. There is no short-cut.  We must cry our eyes through the peeling... just like we must face and confront obstacles and hurdles before we could get to where we want to be.


Taking Massive Actions

Have you ever wanted to get things done... but the wanting is only in your head... and taking action is far from what you want to do?

Well, I have a mile-long list of things I want to do; or should I say, things that must be done... but for some reasons, the only thing I actually did to it was to carry it over from one year to another.  After 5 or 10 years, some of the tasks on that list remain undone. 

In order for me to make 2016 the year of Transformation.  I must get out of my head and start taking actions...  Yes, I am committed to "Taking Massive Actions" on a daily basis  this year!!!  I intend to knock off most, if not all, of the action items on my To-Do list. 

Taking a step further, I am going to print this list out and post it all over my house so I can't use "forgetfulness" as my excuse to break my promise.

Insomnia... Quiet but Powerful!!!

Have you ever tried taken sleeping aids (in my case, Tylenol PM) in hope of getting a good night sleep?  Hence, soon after, the entire body feels the effects of the sleeping aids; you can't barely move; your eyes can't stay open; but, the wheels turning in my head are still going at 120mph.

That's where I am at right now... walking around like a zombie... but can't ease my mind off of things.

When I was young, I would never thought there comes a day that I would suffer from Insomnia.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

It Is Well With My Soul...

Have you ever wondered if there is a story behind the songs you like?

That's what I discovered about one of my favorite hymns called "It Is Well With My Soul". This hymn is pretty popular in Christian churches. I have sung this hymn for many years; but not until today, I learned of the true story behind it.

After listening to the story, I have a complete different take on this hymn...  I appreciate it even more.  My heart aches to learn of the tragedies Mr. Horatio Spafford, the author, had to endure. His life is very similar to Job's. Despite the trials they had to go through, they still stood firm on their faith in GOD.

What I learned from the story is that when I keep our focus on GOD; with solid faith, nothing can break nor shake me.

"It Is Well With My Soul" Lyrics

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
What ever my lot you have taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul

Though the devil will ruin, though trials may come
Let this blessed assurance control
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate
And He shed His own blood for my soul

It is well, with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul

My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought
My sin not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul

It is well, with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul

It is well with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul

And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight
And the clouds be rolled back as a scroll
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend
Even so, it is well with my soul

It is well with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul

It is well with my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul


Too Much To Do... Too Little Time...

Have you ever felt like you have done so much; but at the end of the day, nothing was done.

That's the kind of day I had today. 

I woke up with a long list of things to do.  Started out great, but one thing led to another, I felt as though I was pulled from all directions.  Went back to bed and even went online just to escape the feelings of being overwhelmed and suffocated.

I've heard from so many successful people saying that they use the To-Do Lists to keep their days organized... Personally, I find it quite distracting...  just because when I am on #1 of the list, my mind has already gone to #2, #3, #4.  Before I realize what's going on, I have already turned into a little frog, jumping back & forth or running in circles until I run out of air... and collapse.

At times, I wonder if I have ADHD...  My doctors said I don't which is assuring... but how can they explain the behaviors I have had lately.

Glad I had a talk with one of my coaches this afternoon.  Got some clarity on how I've been doing wrong and what I must change...  Sound simple right?  Not even close.

So, from this day forward, instead of letting my thoughts and ideas roam freely in my head, I must stop that internal chatterbox and start TAKING MASSIVE ACTION!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Welcome to my Blog...

I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog and I now finally decided to go ahead with it...

For the past couple of years, I'd tried starting a blog a few times, but never went through with it.  For a while I didn't know why I keep stalling...  but now looking back, I can clearly see how I was not ready yet; how the timing was not there yet; and how God's plans for my life were completely different than what I had anticipated...  So, I stalled just in hope to negotiate with GOD and reason with Him how I should do it my ways instead of His. 

As I announced to the world that 2016 is my year of Transformation, I am putting things in actions NOW instead of waiting to be 100% ready or for everything to be at its perfect timing which may never happen... 

So, first of, I thank you for reading/following my blog.  I can't promise you anything from the materials I will share or discuss here.. simply because I don't even know what topics I will write on any specific day. But one thing I can promise you that you will get the purest and most transparent information from me. I do speak straight from the heart and have been known for wearing my emotions on my sleeves.  So, what you see is what you get with me!!!  That's a Promise... :)

Below is a list of reasons that intrigued me into writing this blog:
  1. To free my head from all the thoughts, ideas, self-talks, and clutters which have been taking up my brain cells, flooding my memory bank, and making me sick physically, emotionally, and even mentally.
  2. To be more disciplined, inspired, and motivated when I put my goals and wishes down in writing.
  3. To share with others the lessons I learn along the way as I enter the second half of my life.
  4. To use my stories, life challenges, up-and-down roller coaster rides I'd been on to inspire others who are in the same situations as mine...  and thus, may be giving up on trying.
  5. Saving the best for last, I pray that I could use this blog to share my awesome GOD to  my family, friends, ... and to the entire world. 
    To share the blessings, contentment, peace, comfort and freedom that I was running in the wrong circles looking for them... and how I came to find them all when I ask GOD to take full control of my life.
So, here I am, starting another chapter of my life on a right foot and in the Presence of my awesome GOD.

I pray that everything I do with this blog is in the will of GOD, the promises of Jesus, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
I pray that I can reach thousands of people to share my life stories with them and help get them to the next level of their lives:
  • to get inspired and motivated to start living their lives with a true purpose.
  • to find comfort and hopes in my life stories during difficult times in their lives.
  • to realize how blessed they could be even in the midst of a storm and don't see a way out.
  • to give all their problems to GOD to handle.
  • to stop worrying for tomorrow and just live in the moment.
So there, the beginning of the long overdue blog has started...  I am sending it out there and allow it to become what it needs to become, and touch as many lives as it possible could... with GOD's wills and permissions.

Thanks for checking this out...  Hope to see you in my next post...

Until then, take care of yourself and your loved ones,

Let's LIVE it up like today is our last day;
LOVE as we have never loved before;

and LAUGH through our tears until we could laugh to tears...